Our server is currently running version 1.21, the latest stable release. This version provides the best optimization for the features we support.
No, we do not plan to reset the server ever. We do have plans for other worlds in the future, and may extend the World Border if neccesary.
Gamemode: Survival
Difficulty: Hard
World Border: 30k blocks from spawn
PVP: Enabled
Fire Spreads: Enabled
Weather: Enabled
1 Player Sleep: Enabled
Future updates will depend on the style and content of upcoming releases. We are looking at opening a faction or PVP styled world, skyblock server, and an event server in the future.
Modifications that give players an unfair advantage, such as Xray, Auto-Clickers, Fullbright, Mini-Maps, and Hack Clients, are strictly prohibited. However, mods like Armour Health and Tool Health are permitted.
We will never release the world seed. Releasing it would enable users to exploit world generation applications to locate treasures like strongholds, guardian temples, natural mob spawners, and slime chunks.
Ranks, coins, and other extras can be purchased through our website. Players who have purchased a donation rank can request access to the donator chat on Discord. To do so, they must prove their rank by posting a screenshot of themselves speaking in-game in the general-help channel or through a support ticket.
Unfortunately, we cannot disclose the plugins that we use on the server.
No. While we do have purchasable ranks and packages, all of our features are obtainable in game without purchase through other means as well.
Seasonal crates are limited time, exclusive crates with unique gear that are released roughly every 4 months on the server. They are themed, and contain a series of tools and armors, and other unique items. Usually, seasonal crates are only available for 2 weeks, and then they are gone forever.