Player Commands
/kit claim - Gives you a claim kit.
/workbench (wb) - Opens a crafting table menu.
/trash - Opens the disposal menu.
/playtime - Shows your in-game playtime.
/pvp <on/off> - Toggles your pvp on or off.
/seen <player> - Search when a player was last online.
/simplescore toggle - Turns the side scoreboard on or off.
/lootcrate claim - Claim any keys you may have received that could not drop into your inventory.
/lootcrate preview - Preview the contents of a crate.
/vote - Opens up the vote gui.
/coinshop - Opens the coinshop.
/ranks - Lists permissions of the different ranks.
/rankrewards - Opens the rank rewards gui.
Claim Commands
/claim - Instantly claims a 10x10 area around the player.
/unclaim - Unclaims the claim you are currently standing in.
/extendclaim <#> - While holding a claim shovel, look in the direction you want to extend the claim.
/subdivideclaim - While in a claim, enter the commands, and use a golden shovel to make subdivisions.
/restrictsubclaim - Makes it so the subdivision you’re standing in does not inherit the same trustlist or claimflags lists of the parent claim.
/claimlist - Lists your claims by locations.
/abandonallclaims - Unclaims all your claims. This is irreversible.
/abandontoplevelclaim - Abandons the claim and all its subdivisions.
/claimexplosions - Toggles claim explosions in a claim.
/trapped - Teleports a player out of a claim.
/trust <player> - Gives a player full access to a claim.
/trustlist - List all the players with trust in that claim.
/containertrust <player> - Gives a player access to only containers in a claim.
/accesstrust <player> - Give a player trust to pets, doors,buttons and levers in a claim.
/untrust <player> - Removes a player from the trust list.
Claim Flag Commands
/listflags - Lists all the flags currently set within a claim.
/setflag l - lists all possible flags on a claim.
/setflag <flag> - sets a flag on a claim.
/removeflag - Removes a specific flag on a claim.
Home Commands
/delhome - Removes a home.
/homes - Lists all of your current homes.
/home <name> - Teleports you to a specific home.
/home - Teleports you to your base home.
/renamehome <home> <new name> - Renames a home.
/sethome - Sets your home to your current location.
Teleport Commands
/back - Teleports you to your last location prior to a tp/spawn/warp.
/tpa <player> - Request to teleport to a specified player.
/tpacancel <player> - Cancel a teleport request to a specified player.
/tpahere <player> - Request a specified player to teleport to you.
/tpdeny - Automatically rejects teleport requests.
/tpyes - Allows you to receive teleport requests.
/pwarpcreate <name> - creates a new player warp
/pwarp - Opens the gui to the different player warps.
/pwarp set <name> - Creates a player warp at your current location.
/pwarp remove <name> - Removes a specific player warp you created.
/pwarp rename <warp> <newname> - Renames a specific warp.
/pwarp list - Lists all of the current player warps.
/pwarp rate <warp> <rating (1-5)> - Publicly rates a player warp.
/spawn - Teleports you to the main spawn.
Economy Commands
/baltop - Retrieves the top balance values.
/balance - States the current balance of a player.
/coinflip - Main command for the 50/50 gambling command.
/chestshop create <item> - Creates a chestshop when looking at a chest with an item in hand.
/chestshop remove - Removes a chestshop.
/points pay <player> <#> - Pays another player coins.
Chat Commands
/ignore <player> - Ignores messages from a specified player.
/ignorelist - Lists all the players currently being ignored.
/msg <player> - Sends a private message to a specified player.
/unignore <player> - Unignores a player.
Skill Commands
/mana - Displays current and max mana.
/skills - Opens the skills menu, where you can browse skills, progress, and abilities.
/skillrank - Shows your skill rankings.
/skilltop - Shows the top players in a skill.
Reward Commands
/rewards - Opens a gui to collect any rewards that may have been given out.
/rankrewards - Opens a gui to collect your weekly rank rewards
/geyser offhand - Inserts your currently selected item into your offhand.
/buyclaimblocks <#> - Purchases additional claim blocks with server money.
/sellclaimblocks <#> - Sells your claim blocks for additional money.
Trade Commands
/shop - Opens the server shop.
/sellall hand - Sells all of an item in your hand.
/sellall inventory - Sells all of the items in your inventory.
/sellall <item> - Sells all of a specific item.
/trade <player> - Sends a request to trade with another player.
/trade accept <player> - Commences a trade from a request with a specific player.